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Beautiful Things
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I Don't Dance - Blog Tour/Review
Hi everyone! Today, I'm joining several other bloggers in celebrating with author Jesseca Wheaton and her newest book release I Don't...
Day 6 "Published!!!"
"Even in the Grey..." is Published! I'm super excited! My first book is published and now available for everyone to read! (Purchase...
A Giveaway Announcement...& a few things more!
Hi again! So last post I announced that "Beautiful Things" was going to have some awesome things happening. Well, that's true. The...
The "Story Behind the Story," and a title...
So last week I announced that this month, May 28th, I'd be publishing my very first book ever and that I'd be detailing about how this...
A "Bookish" Announcement!
Hi again! I have a really exciting announcement to share with all of you... I'm... Going... To... ...Are you ready... Publish a book!...
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