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Day 5

Day 5

"Thank You!"

Hi again everyone...

Remember, today is the last day to enter the giveaway so please enter if you would like to!

Recap of Rules for Giveaway:

1. If you are under 18, please get your parents permission to enter this giveaway. I'll be needing the winner's email and address to send them their prize.

2. You must be a subscriber to the "Beautiful Things" blog. (Go to the tab at the top of my blog that says suscribe. Enter your email and hit the subscribe button.)

3. You must be willing to leave a comment on at least one of the "pre-publication party" posts throughout the 23nd-28th. (A pre-publication post is any post I've written since Wed. the 23.)



Today's post is a thank you post to everyone that has made publishing "Even in the Grey" possible...

Special Thanks to...

-Holly Ciampi. She is the editor for Noble Novels, the young author's website I'm apart of. She was one of the main people responsible for my story even being written because of the story contest she hosted on Noble Novels. Thank you, Holly! Holly also has her own personal blog, so check it out if you get chance!

- Special thanks to Luke Guenot! He's is my amazing older brother and has been such an encouragement throughout this process. Even though he was away this week in a whole different state, he stayed up late to finish wrapping up the last things that needed to get done for "Even in the Grey." Thanks, Luke!!!!!

- Special thanks to other members of my family, for their encouragement, Dad, Mom, A. and R. Thank you, Mom, for reading over my story late at night and helping me edit it! Thank you to Dad, for being enthusiastic about my work. Thank you, A., for giving me writing and blog tips! Thank you, R., for being so joyful over each blog post I do.

- Special thanks to my friend Liberty! She has been such an encouragement with her kind comments and supportive emails! Check out Liberty's personal blog!

- Special thanks to Mrs. Z. for helping proofread and edit my story...It was super fun having coffee with you and having your kitty sit on my lap!

- Special thanks to Julia, who was willing to do an interview with me tomorrow! She has been supportive and really encouraging with her cheerful emails! Check out Julia's personal blog!

- Special thanks to Victoria Lynn for making a fantastic book cover for me! Check out her personal blog and her book cover design website!

- And special thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, who helps us...even in the grey.

Check back tomorrow to get the link to the Amazon page where my book is and to see who won the giveaway!




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