Happy New Year everyone
I hope you all had enjoyable Christmas and New Year celebrations!

Beautiful Things' site will be down for up to a couple of days while it undergoes a change from a Wix website to Wordpress and has a make-over.
Note for Followers 😀 -
If you are a subscriber or follower of my blog, don't worry! Your subscription will be transferred over to my new site! The only thing you'll have to do is hit the confirm button when Beautiful Things sends you an email.
I'll be sending out an email to all my subscribers to remind them my new blog will be sending out confirm emails to all subscribers! If there is any confusion between subscribing vs. following, let me remind you that for this blog's purposes, they are the same.
If for some reason you follow this blog, and do not receive any blog updates for awhile, make sure you have hit the confirm button on the email Beautiful Things sends you to confirm your subscription.
Any questions, don't hesitate to contact me in the next few hours. Beautiful Things will be down tomorrow! If something happens and for some reason no one can access my blog, I'll make sure to send emails out to let you know and I'll try to resolve the problem. :)
Now, for a sneak peek of my new blog! Hopefully everything transfers well and the new Beautiful Things will start a new adventure!

Laura :) - Sorry this post was quickly thrown together. I wanted to let everyone know!