Day 1
Hi Everyone! Today's the day! Only a few days until my very first book is published! I'm through the roof, and it's so great that you all can be a part of this.
So first of all, I wanted to post the schedule for the "pre-publication" party...Yes, a schedule...I love schedules (ask my family)
Wednesday, Day 1: Cover Reveal/About Book/Back of Book synopsis/Giveaway prize announced
Thursday, Day 2: Meet Main Character
Friday, Day 3: Meet Secondary Character
Saturday, Day 4: A snippet of the story
Sunday, Day 5: Dialogue snippets
Monday, Day 6: Publication/Giveaway winner announced/End of the party.
So hopefully the schedule will stay the same, and I'll be able to post something each day. :)
Quick Note:
A few people have been wondering how to subscribe to my blog. Since the last post, I've created a new way for people to subscribe. Below, I've left a link to make it easier for people to subscribe. Just click on the link and it will take you to the subscribe page on my blog. Enter your email address and hit the subscribe button. You'll immediately become a subscriber, and you'll get weekly blog updates sent right to your email inbox!
Cover Reveal!!*squeals*
Before I do anything, I want to send a thousand thank yous out to Victoria Lynn from
Victoria was absolutely amazing to work with and very flexible when it came to cover changes. Her cheerful attitude and ability to work so fast was very impressive. I definitely recommend her for any cover designing work you may need in the future. Very affordable and very enjoyable! Thanks, Victoria
So on to the reveal!
Are you ready...
I know I am...
Let me present...
My amazingly beautiful Ebook cover!!!!!

~ Back of the Book ~
Daniel Rogers, a young American soldier, harbors bitterness against the one man who
ruined his life. Memories torment him, and he can't seem to forget the past. How can a horrible train accident, a pretty French artist, an unplanned reunion, and a pocket-full of crayons help him see through his grey world and into the light of forgiveness?
~ Quick facts about the book ~
Set in WWII...
On a train near Germany...
In the middle of a snowy forest...
Rumors of German soldier's close by...
A hyge explosion that almost...(oops can't tell you that. You'll have to read the book for yourself.)
Isn't it all just beautiful! :) :) :)
Last on the schedule for today is...the Giveaway Prize Announcement...First, here's a recap of the rules. You must do or be all of the following in order to enter.
Rules for Giveaway:
1. If you are under 18, please get your parents permission to enter this giveaway. I'll be needing the winner's email and address to send them their prize.
2. You must be a subscriber to the "Beautiful Things" blog.
3. You must be willing to leave a comment on at least one of the "pre-publication party" posts throughout the 23nd-28th.
Now on to the giveaway prize!
~ A gift package to one special winner ~
This gift package includes.
Ebook copy of "Even in the Grey."

"Claire's drawing set" -
Includes a box of 16 count crayola crayons and a blank sketchbook.
(I will explain more about who Claire is later.)

A Exclusive Ordamental Keepsake (it's a surprise)

So what do you all think?
Please go ahead and enter this cool giveaway!
If you have any questions, please contact me or let me know in the comments below!
Giveaway RafflecopteR
Another quick note: To save space on my tab bar on the top of my blog, I've combined writing projects and Noble Novels underneath the tab that says "my books."
Well, farewell until tomorrow!