~ Day 2 ~
Meet the Secondary Character from:
"Even in the Grey"
Hi again Everyone! Day 3 of the "pre-publication" party! I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post. Today, you get to hear a little bit about the secondary character. Let's get started.

Characters Name:
- Claire Duval
Description of Character:
- Age: 17
- She's a French refugee
- She is a wonderful artist
- Physical Description: 5'1'', petite build, dark hair and dark eyes. She is very pretty.
- Claire is sweet and patient. She doesn't anger easily and usually keeps calm even in difficult situations.
- Even though Claire has experienced great hardships, she has put her painful past behind her and now can help others through their own struggles.
- She has great compassion for unlikely people and bravely helps those in need.
That's all for today!
Stayed tuned for tomorrow's post.
~ Laura ~