Monday, June 18, 2018, the beginning of a new branch of creative arts, here on my blog!

Last Friday evening, I created my own Italian resturant, and made a delicious meal for my family! My "resturant" was complete with homemade menus!

Appetizers I made:

A cool fruitbowl I carved...It's supposed to be a duck but looks more like a fish/turtle

The Main Meal:
I also made Mushroom Fettucine or, *Fettuccine ai funghi* according to google translate, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Torta d'amore italiana​, or Italian Love Cake. (Alright...I know it sounds funny but I found the recipe on Pinterest and it looked sooo good!

More dessert...

That's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this Culinary Delights post...Hopefully, there will be more. :)
Also, I really have updated my posting calander. Please take a look at it too see what's coming up!