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Beautiful DIY- Arts Post #2

Good morning all, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. I did. I went fishing with my Dad and caught the biggest fish! :)


Today's post, is more of a writing/creative DIY post. It is half art, half writing. After church yesterday, my Mom was reading aloud "THE HIDDEN HAND" by E.D.E.N Southworth. I thought it would be a great time to get my art supplies out and make a DIY demo. Today, I snapped photos of my "real" DIY. Please note: The pictures I took are very grainy. The camera I was using wasn't the best quality but it worked. :)

I made a a DIY Writing Journal! Alright, I confess, I didn't "make" the real journal. I bought regular composition books from Walmart for 88 cents and bought some stuff to personalize them.

How I made it -

Supplies: (You can get all this stuff from Walmart)

- Composition Book - any color. (Make sure it's not the one with a metal spiral binding.)

- Some kind of scrapbooking paper or designer paper. (I got mine from Walmart in the craft section.)

- Glue sticks...lots of them. (I only had one that worked. :/ Somehow are glue sticks get eaten by the glue stick monster.)

- Packing tape. (You'll only need this if your glue isn't sticking enough or you just want a nicer finish in the inside.)

- White paper for inside to cover up the generic words inside the cover.


- Gel pens to embellish the inside of the book

- Envelopes to put inside the cover. (Picture below)

- Paint

- Paper Clips

- Sheets of extra colored paper

- Depending on what your using the journal for or for personal preference, extra embellishments would be great!

First Step:

Cover inside of journal with two sheets of white paper. You can glue them or use packing tape.

Glue Paper to inside of book layer at a time.

Cut excess paper that is overlapping. Since you will be cover in with a different cover, don't worry about cutting straight. :)

Tape with packing tape if the glue is not holding. Try not to have any creases.

Should look like this.

Step Two:

Glue your choice of designer paper to the front of the book.

Match up paper to the black binding.

Press down to make sure cover is firmly attached.

Step Three:

Finishing the Cover

Fold over excess cover paper till you have a nice crease. Open back up for the next step.

Fold over tops of the excess cover and glue. Try to make it as straight as you can.

Fold the big piece of cover paper in and glue or tape.

Finish the inside of the book with fancy paper or just leave it plain. If you use paper, it gives it a nicer finish.

Step Four:

Quick overview of back cover

Basically, repeat all the same steps you did for the front cover for your back cover.

Finished product!

Are you going to try this DIY out? It's an inexpensive way to have a totally cool journal! Stylish for writing or everyday use.





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