I've been awarded the Liebster award by a fellow blogger and friend, Anna! Thanks so much, Anna for nominating me! This is really cool!
For those that may not know what a Liebster award is - It is kind of like chain mail. One blogger nominates eleven other bloggers for the award, then those eleven nominate eleven other bloggers for the award too! It just keeps getting passed around. The award is basically a badge that you put on your blog for all to see. There are rules that each nominee has to follow as well. Here are the rules that Anna gave her eleven nominees to complete and I will be giving you the same rules as well. :)
Tag rules: Thank the blog that nominated you for the award. Answer the questions they gave you. Give 11 fun facts about yourself. Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award, and give them 11 questions to answer.
Now on to the questions Anna gave ten other bloggers and me to answer!
1. Describe yourself (as if you’re a story character) in three words.
(A red-headed girl) - *yikes, I know that was more than three words but does the A really count?*
2. What’s your favorite first line in a book?
They hadn't always been best friends. They hadn't known each other until they were eight and seven. But when they met, it was an instant bond. (Brother's-in-Arms: A WWII Story) - Jack Lewis Balliot
3. What song was most recently stuck in your head? Why?
I guess the first few notes of the G.A. Henty audio drama theme. You know...I really don't know why.
4. Boots, flip-flops, or tennies/converse?
Probably boots - *fancy boots*
5. Tell the most awkward story of you meeting someone new.
I stuttered, words caught in my throat, my face burned...yep it was pretty embarrassing.
6. If you could reverse the ending of one book what would it be and how would you have it end?
I'd want to reverse the ending of "From the Dark to the Dawn: A Tale of Ancient Rome" by Alicia A. Willis. *Big Spoiler Alert* I'd save Philip from dying. :( Poor, poor, Philip.)
7. Favorite writing/reading snack?
Cinnamon Buns/Coffee
8. What authors are you looking forward to meeting in heaven? How would you introduce yourself?
Corrie Ten Boom and Florence Morse Kingsley. I'd walk up and say, "You guys are really amazing!"
9. How many inches thick is the thickest book spine on your bookshelf?
Probably an inch and a half.
10. Pens or pencils?
Pens - More specifically "gel pens."
11. When you’re gone how do you hope to be remembered?
I hope to be remembered by the person I was. Not for the material things I've done, but for the ways I showed love and compassion to others.
Eleven Fun Fact about Me:
1. Named after Laura Ingalls Wilder
2. I have very curly, uncontrollable, red hair.
3. I like to eat my toast upside down, so the butter part touches my tongue. (My brother taught me that).
4. I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. (Did I really just share that with you all?)
5. I like dressing up in period costumes and running around outside.
6. I LOVE cats...our family has four, and one of them is a fluffy orange tabby. :)
7. Most of the time I prefer reading over swimming or playing outside.
8. My sister and I dress up for memorial day in Civil War costumes.
9. My favorite genre is Historical fiction.
10. I write for a young author's site called Noble Novels.
11. I like thrift stores...I can always find cool things in them!
I tag these blogs for the Liebster Award - (Don't worry if you can't do this right now! Any time next week you can post your answers to the questions I give you! Or if you'd rather not do this at all...that's perfectly fine! I know people are busy with summer schedules.
- Miss Amanda @Amanda Joy Writes
- Miss Holly @My Reel Life
- Miss Julia @Lit A Flame
- Miss Annie @Annie Writes
- Miss Liberty @Gone in a Dream
- Miss Victoria @Ruffles and Grace
- Miss Julia @Julia's Creative Corner
- Miss Molly @A Sparkle of Light
- Miss Kate @Once Upon the Ordinary
- Miss Kaylee @Kaylee's Kind of Writes
- Starling @Starling
Questions for my Nominees:
1. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?
2. Do you prefer ice coffee or hot, or do you not like coffee at all?
3. What is your favorite holiday?
4. What is one of your most special talents?
5. What is your favorite book?
6. What is one of the earliest childhood memories you have?
7. Do you prefer cake or ice-cream?
8. How many books have you read this summer?
9. Cats or dogs?
10. If you could have any exotic pet...*Any kind guys*, which would you choose?
11. What is the best summer vacation you have ever gone on?
Tag rules - (What you have to do) Thank the blog that nominated you for the award. Answer the questions they gave you. Give 11 fun facts about yourself. Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award, and give them 11 questions to answer.
If you'd be willing to answer these questions and create your own blog post, please let me know by contacting me through the contact page. Also, if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments.