No...I haven't dropped off the face of the earth and I am sorry that I haven't been posting like I said I would. Last week, I was helping direct a summer theatre camp, and while I thought I would still feel energetic around 3:00 PM when I came home, I was not.
So I'm here to say...For the remainder of the summer, I'll only be posting once a week, on Saturdays. Yes, that means you won't find out what happened at Lamplighter Guild until this coming Saturday. With vacations...camps...and family stuff, I haven't been concentrated on blogging. I want to do it well, not just give you half my effort. So, from now on, Saturdays will be my posting day. :)
Sorry, all those who were looking forward to my Lamplighter Guild posts. I want them to be interesting and informative! So check back on Saturday...I'll have posted about Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I know that's a lot but I don't want to stretch it out too long. :)
Doing any summer time stuff? What have you been writing or reading?
