Tuesday -
2nd Day of the Guild
I got up at 4:10 so I could work on an outline for our writing group's script. (We actually never really used the outline.)
After we got into the shuttles/cars we headed to Letchworth State Park. We had a wonderful view of the waterfalls, rock formations, and gorges! For breakfast, we dined at the Glen Iris Inn, an inn right in Letchworth State Park.
After breakfast, we drove to a nature center where we'd have morning classes. Again, all the dramatic arts students gathered and we had auditions. The Masters were trying to pick students to be in the audio dramas we'd record the next day...So although I was already helping to write a script for the audio dramas, I auditioned to try to get a part in one of those dramas.
When we got back to Lamplighter Headquarters later that day, our writing grip hurriedly finished our script and got it in on time. To our delight, we were one of the groups to get our script in first!
I went to bed feeling good that the script was written, although I was nervous about the auditions. Had I received a part? Would I get to record the next day in the studio?
Pictures of Letchworth -

Auditions at Letchworth -

Wednesday -
3rd day of the Guild
I got a small part in one of the audio dramas! I was playing a girl named Heather…who…uh…had been texting and driving at the same time and who had…gotten into a car accident.
They recorded the drama I was in first, then they recorded the drama my writing group and I had written next! It was so cool to see all the words come to life.
After the recordings, we had a real writing session. Guess what? We watched the Incredibles #1 movie. Yes, that might seem odd, but we watched it so we could diagram the different story parts. It was a lot of fun.
Wednesday night was dress-up night…We had a delicious supper and then attended the Gray Havens concert.
I was starting to get really tired…Couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel, although I was having fun.
Recording Audio Dramas - I'm in the Green Dress

Thursday -
4th day of the Guild
More audio recordings…I was amazed that everyone was running around with so much energy. Even Mark Hamby, the president of Lamplighter, said that he was surprised at the groups this year. Everyone seemed to have a lot of energy even at the end of the week. I guess no one saw me hiding my yawns.
Our writing session that day was pretty short. We watched a Pixar short called Presto. Again, we diagram the different parts. We had 45 minutes left for our class, so we had a Q&A which was fun. I asked Kathy Buchanan, (our writing master) about publishing, and story parts, and characters…
More Recording -

Friday - (Last Day)
Friday was different because after breakfast, parents started showing up to see and hear the work we had done throughout the week. It was so cool to listen to our completed dramas with sound effects, music…voices. :)
We watched the short film the film-maker students had made, and it was incredible! The acting students performed their sketches, and they were also very well done.
After the “closing ceremony” I took my youngest sister back to the bookbinding area, where they hand-bind each Lamplighter book. The lady working back there gave us a quick tour. It was fun, just my sister and me. :)
After lunch there were goodbyes, pictures, and hugs…Everyone was sad to go but also glad. Everyone was exhausted in that good kind of way.
I took pictures with friends, and with Kathy Buchanan! It was really special to hear her say that she was impressed with me and was looking forward to seeing what I created next.
Mom and Dad picked me up, and we headed to Duncan Doughnuts to get delicious doughnuts. We also stopped by a store to get a gallon of ice-cream…yummy, yummy!
~ The End ~
Other Photos -
My Good Friend

John Campbell and Kathy Buchanan - I was not party to this at all! :)

Recording the Film -

Playing a Team Game -

One of the other two redheads -

Acting Exercises -

Recording Studio in an old organ!

Some of the Delicious Food!

Sorry if this post seemed really quick. I wanted you to get just a glimpse of what went on at Lamplighter Guild! It was an amazing week with some pretty amazing people.
Would you like there hear the audio dramas we made through the week? Go to https://www.lamplighterguild.com/audio-dramas and scroll down to 2018 student dramas to listen!
Also, if you want to see more pictures of the week go to -https://www.lamplighterguild.com/
New blog page!
Starting next Saturday, I'll have a new page on my blog called "Reviews." Once a month, I'll review a book or an audio drama.
Thank you for reading! Check back next Saturday to read Beautiful Thing's first book review!