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Book Synopsis...

Revolutionary War Era England

Marjorie Kirk is a woman with no fortune, no prospects, no family, and no skills. Or so she thinks. She is awkward, shy, and the farthest thing from any semblance of a society lady.

The new minister keeps turning up in the most awkward of places and she can’t help but feel that her life is doomed to one of embarrassment. But will her flaws actually be the thing that others find the most attractive?

A story of a young woman with social anxiety and how she learned to bloom.

Author Bio

Victoria Lynn is in her 20s and if she's not writing, she is probably sewing, singing, playing the piano, washing dishes, creating something with her hands, or learning something new. She has a passion for serving her Creator, encouraging others and being creative. She blogs at about writing, fashion, modesty, her walk with God and life. She lives in Michigan with her parents and 8 siblings.

Author Links:

My Review

I must confess the first time I read "When Beauty Blooms" I couldn't relate to Marjorie, the main character, at all...Then I read it the second time, wow! I finally saw how much she and I are alike. It helped me see that it doesn't matter what other people think about's about what God thinks of you that matters!

When Beauty Blooms is a sweet, old fashion story that put me in mind of one of the Classics. The language was unique and the description colorful! Each character had a personality of their own, but two stood out the most...

Marjorie Kirk William Baeley

~ Marjorie couldn't see the wonderful gifts she had.

~ William could see Marjorie was a beautiful person, inside and out. He saw through her homeliness into who she really was. (It's pretty romantic!)

"When Beauty Blooms" is a story about a young woman seeing herself as God saw her. Not as a person that was clumsy, homely, and just downright awkward but a beautiful masterpiece of God's perfect plan!

Are you struggling with trying to "be good enough?" Do you feel like you are worthless and the one always "left behind?" Do you feel like you aren't good enough for God?

God loves you just the way you are! He doesn't care how awkward you are in a social setting, although He'll give you strength when you face those situations. He doesn't care if your hair is uncontrollable, He made it that way...He delights in who you are! Read this sweet story! You'll have a better understanding of yourself and the way God sees you!

Thumbs up Victoria. You did an excellent job of conveying your message through this story. It helped me see that God still loves me no matter how I feel in certain situations. His love is unfailing!


When Beauty Blooms Giveaway!

The winner will receive a copy of the signed copy of When Beauty Blooms, and a $10 amazon giftcard!

~ Tour Schedule ~

Check out the other bloggers participated in this blog tour!

Aug. 6

Michaela Bush // Spotlight //

Ashley Spies // Spotlight

Aug. 7

Gabriellyn Gidman // Spotlight //

Aug. 8

Liv K. Fisher // Review //

Medomfo //Review //

Aug. 9

Kaylee // Review //

Giana // Interview //

Aug. 10

Gracelyn Buckner //Review //

Aug. 11

Angela Watts // Spotlight //

Aug. 12

Allison Tebo // Interview //

Aug. 13

Jana Tenbrook // Review //

Lilly Shyree // Review/Interview

Aug. 14

Hosanna Emily // Guest Post //

Aug. 15

Laura Grace // Review // Interview

Lydia // Review //

Allyson Kennedy // Interview/Review //

Aug. 16

Madison Guy //Spotlight //

Aug. 17

Tammy Lash // Guest Post/Spotlight

Aug. 18

Laura Guenot // Review //

Aug. 19

Grace Maples // Review //

Aug. 20

Sunny Houk // Interview //

Aug. 21

Rebekah Morris // Review //

Aug. 22

Abigail Mckenna //Review //

Raechel Lenore // Review //

Aug. 23

Sarah // Review

Aug. 24

Kaitlyn Smith // Interview/Review //

Aug. 25

Faith Potts // Review //

See you next time!




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