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~ Echoes of Honor ~ Pt. 2
~ Echoes of Honor ~ Pt. 2 Feeling ashamed, Sophie followed her brother farther into the alley, her heart pounding. Why was she so...

~ Echoes of Honor ~ Pt. 1
I know I told everyone that today's post would be a review...but I think it's time for something refreshing and new! Next week I'm part...

Lamplighter Guild Post #3
Tuesday - 2nd Day of the Guild I got up at 4:10 so I could work on an outline for our writing group's script. (We actually never really...

Summer Posting
No...I haven't dropped off the face of the earth and I am sorry that I haven't been posting like I said I would. Last week, I was...

Lamplighter Guild #2
Lamplighter Guild... A week of learning how to have excellence in the arts... Excellence - the quality of being outstanding or extremely...

Lamplighter Guild Post #1
A week of learning how to have excellence in the arts...and in everything we do Last week I attended the Lamplighter Guild in Mt. Morris...

~ Vacation Time and a Request! ~
I'm going on vacation!! And one could pay me to go camping in a tent...I've sort of had some interesting tenting experiences. ...

GettysburG Oh, beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life!...

~ I've been awarded and so have some of you! ~
I've been awarded the Liebster award by a fellow blogger and friend, Anna! Thanks so much, Anna for nominating me! This is really cool!...

Beautiful DIY- Arts Post #2
Good morning all, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. I did. I went fishing with my Dad and caught the biggest fish! :) Today's post,...
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